My First 83 Years
Learning to Love My Mother Again
The Truth About “Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child”
Appearing in Discretionary Love
“Living a Life in Cars” appearing in the 2020 issue of Oyster River Pages
I am eight and experiencing the first of many traumas in my father’s old Pontiac. In a family night trip to visit relatives at Christmas, Dad slams into a deer, throwing my sister and me to the floor in back, leaving us bruised and frightened. The second trauma months later is more serious. Again in my father’s Pontiac, this time returning from an autumn foliage excursion, Mom implies my father is failing as a beer salesman. She starts the argument by saying she’s having trouble paying the bills …
“Character Disorders in Real Time” appearing in 2018 issue of Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing
My mother wanted to avoid looking back at my father’s character disorder and how that secret had brought down our family. “You’ve just got to forget the past,” she said periodically. But I persisted in examining chaotic childhood events with the hope that time would give me the perspective to understand them.
My Son Procrastinated Writing His College Essay, Here’s How He Finally “Flew” With It
As it appears in Grown & Flown Magazine:
My Son Procrastinated Writing His College Essay, Here’s How He Finally “Flew” With it
“Letters of Concern” recently published by The Ravens Perch
See “Links”
The Blame Game
When those with character disorders are in conflict with the world, they automatically assume that the world is at fault – M. Scott Peck
Trying to Fathom a Child’s Concept of God
This essay first appeared in Bacopa Literary Review 2018
Continue reading “Trying to Fathom a Child’s Concept of God”